the table form of grapes of a very early ripening period is 95-105 days. In a root-related culture of average growth strength. The flower is bisexual. The bunches are large, very beautiful, medium density, conical, average weight 700-1300 g. The berries are large 32x24 mm, weighing 8-12 g, elongated-oval, pale pink in color, have a crisp flesh, harmonious taste. High sugar content of 20-21 g / l with an acidity of 6-7g / dm3. The skin is thin, but strong. No peas were observed. The form gives high stable yields. Shoots ripen early and very well for the full length of growth. Cuttings take root well, after planting seedlings in a permanent place, they begin to bear fruit for 2-3 years. The load on the bush is 35-45 peepholes, pruning 6-8 peepholes. It is preferable to grow in a grafted culture on strong rootstocks, with a moderate load of bushes with shoots and inflorescences. It is advisable to remove duplicates and underdeveloped shoots. Wasps are not affected. The resistance of gf Rowena to mildew, oidium and gray rot is 2-2.5 points. Frost resistance -24 °
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If you have too many cuttings, or there is no container suitable for their horizontal arrangement, then it is quite acceptable to conduct soaking with their vertical arrangement, with the lower ends i.. →