the bunches of this grape are large. The smallest of them weighs 0.7 kg. There are brushes with a weight of up to 2 kg. The density of berries is average. They look very smart.
The grapes of the variety are large, elongated in shape. The size of each of them is 3,2x2,2 cm. The weight is 7-8 g, sometimes reaches 10 g. The color is dark pink. The taste is pleasant. The peel is dense, but very thin. When eating, it is almost not felt. Peas are not typical.
The disadvantage of this grape variety is its insufficient knowledge. Since the form is still young, there is no data on the possibilities of its growth in the northern climatic zone.
The Andryusha variety has an average resistance to diseases and pests. The bushes of the variety tolerate a decrease in temperature to -23-24 degrees well.
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