A hybrid form of grapes of private selection (V.K. Bondarchuk), obtained from crossing the Mascot x Codryanka.Very early ripening period, in the conditions of Novocherkassk matures in late July-early August. Bushes are above average growth strength. The flower is bisexual.
The bunch is conical, large, weighing 500-700 g, medium density. The berry is elongated-ovoid, large, weighing 10-11 g, dark blue in color. The skin is of medium thickness and density, the flesh is crispy, the taste is harmonious.
Resistance to fungal diseases is increased, requires the shelter of bushes for the winter. The yield is high. Transportability is high.
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Масса грозди
Масса ягоды
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If you have too many cuttings, or there is no container suitable for their horizontal arrangement, then it is quite acceptable to conduct soaking with their vertical arrangement, with the lower ends i.. →